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The Anakin Skywalker second lightsaber incorporated many of the elements from his first weapon, Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber was specifically designed to facilitate Skywalker's practice of Form V lightsaber combat.  As per Form V weapon specifications, the lightsaber had a solid casing (either as a whole or in multiple sections for maximum protection against power surge deterioration) and a heavily shrouded blade emitter.  The beveled emitter was designed to designate separate facets of the blade for either offensive or defensive strikes.


This model is slightly different than the Gralfex that we offer, in the sense that this model does not have the visible screws in the T-grips on the handle, it comes with a Covertec wheel, as opposed to the D-ring, and does not have the pseudo-crystal under the emitter and instead is a pseudo-button which looks more canon from the Star Wars movies, plus this model has a textured control box and does not have the letters GRAFLEX stamped into it.  


Comes with a standard 36" length 7/8" round blade, as opposed to other models that come with a 1" round blade standard. The 7/8" provides a more movie like look compared to the 1" round, which some may say is much thicker looking light.


PriceFrom $270.00
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • XENO3-base lit 12w LED (Bluetooth App)
    * Mobile App Capable
    * Accent Swings
    * Smoothswing  
    * One button configuration  
    * Programmable 16gb SD card (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment)
    * Preprogrammed customizable blade effects  
    * 34 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
    * Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
    * Flash on Clash
    * Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
    * Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
    * Blaster Block

    XENO3 50w pixel blade (Bluetooth App)
    * Mobile App Capable
    * Accent Swings
    * Smoothswing  
    * One button configuration  
    * Programmable 16gb SD card (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment) 
    * Preprogrammed customizable blade effects 
    * 11 default blade modes
    * 34 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
     * Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
    * Flash on Clash
    * Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
    * Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
    * Embeded 16 fonts when sd card not inserted
    bluetooth firmware upgradable via app or via SD card manually
    * Tip drag
    * Blaster Block

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Thank you! May the force be with you!

©2020-2024 Northwest Saber Syndicate
Northwest Saber Syndicate (NWSS) is not affiliated with Disney, Star Wars, NOR BANDAI trademarks

Saint Helens, Oregon, USA

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