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A kyber crystal, simply known as a kyber, also called a lightsaber crystal, the living crystal, and known in Star Wars universe ancient times as a kaiburr crystal, was a rare, Force-attuned crystal that grew in nature and was found on scattered planets across the galaxy.  They were used by the Jedi and the Sith in the construction of their lightsaber.  The Kyber Crystal Saber has an exposed kyber crystal just under the emitter section, which illuminates the same color as the blade, depending on which color the user changes the color to by pressing the button on the lightsaber.  This model is a two-handed lightsaber that has a lined grip section for superb handling and a pommel that produces 360 degrees worth of sound from the vents.  


Hilt Length: 1 ft 0.59 in (32 cm)

IMPORTANT: This lightsaber is not heavy duel-worthy and is recommended to be used for tricks, cosplay, display, or light-dueling only, because of the exposed kyber crystal section, it is a weak point and damage can be done, if the wielder uses too much of the Force in one strike.

KCS (Kyber Crystal Saber)

PrecioDesde 160,00$
ImpuestoĀ excluido |
  • XENO3-base lit 12w LED
    * Mobile App Capable (Bluetooth)
    * Accent Swings
    * Smoothswing  
    * One button configuration  
    * Programmable SD card reader (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment)
    * Preprogrammed customizable blade effects  
    * 16 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
    * Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
    * Flash on Clash
    * Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
    * Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
    * Blaster Block

    XENO3-pixel 50w pixel blade
    * Mobile App Capable (Bluetooth)
    * Accent Swings
    * Smoothswing  
    * One button configuration  
    * Programmable 16gb SD card (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment) 
    * Preprogrammed customizable blade effects 
    * 11 default blade modes
    * 34 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
     * Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
    * Flash on Clash
    * Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
    * Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
    * Embeded 16 fonts when SD card not inserted bluetooth firmware upgradable via app or via SD card manually
    * Tip drag
    * Blaster Block

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Ā”Gracias! Ā”Que la fuerza estĆ© con usted!

Ā©2020-2022 Sindicato del Noroeste de Sable
Northwest Saber Syndicate (NWSS) no estĆ” afiliado con las marcas registradas de Disney, Star Wars, NOR BANDAI

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